泰國包車司機分享篇~ My Bangkok Driver

(可能之前去BALI 的導遊太好了,所以難免會有些小比較咯。)

I receive a lot of inquiries in my page inbox and Facebook inbox about driver in Bangkok. I'm here to share with you guys about the driver that we hire in our Bkk trip. I can't give a fantastic good comment about this driver.  (Maybe I still compare him with the driver that I have in my Bali Trip. Haha! My Bali trip driver is awesome!) Everyone may have their own perception about how a good driver will be, rite? Hmmm...For me this bkk driver is just ordinary and okie.

司機的聯絡是朋友在Cari Forum找到的,在網友的推薦上其實是不錯的。不過不懂會不會人紅了,就比較不一樣了呢? 價錢方面是絕對比起我原本待定的司機便宜很多,所以最後在大家的同意下選了這個司機哦。他的收費大概是在曼谷市2500Baht, 華欣3500Baht. 我們的行程包車祇有前三天就是曼谷市 〉華欣 〉曼谷市。 所以Total >>8500Baht. 如果想要載送到機場的話呢,單程是800Baht.

We found this driver contact in Cari Forum. Many people recommend him and he having a good reputation and good comments. I'm thinking maybe due to overwhelming of people require for his service thus the service quality tends to be affected. Hmmm..maybe... In terms of price, he quote us a reasonable price compare with others driver that I am looking for. Thus, after a discussion between us and we decided to hire this driver to have a try.

His quotation is about 2500 Baht in Bangkok City while 3500 Baht in Huahin. According to our itinerary will be Day 2 to Day 4 from Bangkok City > Huahin > Bangkok City. Thus, the total amount of our driver fees will be 8500 Baht. If you require for transfer to Don Meuang Airport, one way will be 800 Baht. 

説說服務吧, 第一天的行程就已經放我們鴿子了,這樣的司機該給他個差評嗎? 
這也是我們包車最害怕遇到的事情了。明明就已經答應了我們的包車怎麽可以又接別人的生意呢? 可信度直插谷底了。幸好有司機的弟弟來代班,重點刺激性的問題是他不會說華語也不明白英文。全程的行程,大家都沒辦法和他溝通。天啊,我真後悔什麽要為了省錢苦了自己的旅程。到最后因爲司機弟弟沒經驗的情況下,我們少去了兩個景點。

On the first day of our tour trip in Bangkok City, I got really a little bit pissed out and disappointed when the driver calls us and tell that he unable to come over to pick us up because he had another appointment with others customer. I was like OMG! what is going on?

How can the driver break his promise on the first day? Driver's brother comes over to replace him, but the problems happened is we unable to communicate with his brother. His brother unable to talk in Chinese and also cant understand English! Due to lack of experiences, we also missed out two places to visit.

隔天真正的司機就來接我們了。他是不錯的可以以華語交談的,懂得自己安排行程路綫。全程其實都Ok,沒什麽大問題。(除了放我鴿子,刺激到我以外。) 不過要特別提醒的是,他駕車很凶也很快所以車也會很震。喜歡做過山車或喜歡刺激的,我絕對推薦他。哈哈!

Luckily, our driver come over to fetch us on the next day. He can communicate with us in Chinese and able to carry our proper time arrangement to make sure the trip go smoothly. Basically, he is all okay, friendly and yet negotiable except he break promise which trigger my nerve system. Haha!
Besides, draw your attention that he drives very fast like a roller coaster. 

* Information Counter *
Driver Contact List:
Name: Sakda
Email: songtobegood@hotmail.com
Hp: 66813417393


  1. How many people can the vehicle sit?

    1. Hi dear, we seven people in a a group. But I think will be able to sit 9 people which including the front seat.
