[ BANGKOK] Kope Hya Tai Ke 邢泰記

跟隨著我愛曼谷的facebook 來到了推薦的泰國全日供應的經典早餐店,地點位于大皇宮附近Giant Swing那裏。如果司機真的不懂怎麽去的話呢,我建議大家把下面這張泰文的地址下載了,到時給司機看就行了。因爲發現即使我們給司機看英文的地址其實他們也看不太懂這樣,所以最好就是有泰文的了。


Traditional Bangkok Flavor breakfast shop which serving all day long breakfast in Bangkok that recommend by I love Bangkok Facebook page. It's located at Thanon Sri Phong street somewhere which near to the Grand Palace and Giant Swing.  I suggest to print out the address in Thai Language for the driver thus no need to waste time for searching for this place. This is because most of the Thai driver can't understand the English address, I also wonder why!

Let's back to the restaurant, many difference breakfast dishes available such as Western & English breakfast, Chinese style breakfast and Thai breakfast. Food quality is ordinary and the price is reasonable. Various of choice available, you can actually sit back and enjoy your breakfast before starting your great day.

  37 Samranrat Road, Kate Pranakong, Bangkok 10200 

I guess this will be the road name that the restaurant located because the road sign are found just in front of the restaurant. 

所有的早餐都是全日供應的, 所以不用害怕睡遲了來不及哦!
A quaint old fashioned restaurant which having decades of history.
All breakfasts are served all-day, forget about the problem of wake up early for breakfast. hehe!

 邢泰記 Kope Hya Tai Ke

食物來了也一樣要Self Service 自己到櫃檯拿吧!
Self service operated in the restaurant, please proceed to counter for menu and ordering!
After your ordered food is ready, the receptionist will call out the food name, thus please pick up your food from the counter too!

Homemade Black Coffee from Kope Hya Tai Ke.

My ordered English Breakfast which cost around 120 Baht.
Yummy baked bread, but the sausage is too oily for me... Yucks a bit.

Darling's ordered breakfast set which including half boiled eggs, baked bread and a cup of coffee or  tea which cost us around 80 Baht. I guess it may be the signature dish in the restaurant because the menu show a large picture about this breakfast set.

自製拉茶 Teh Tarik!
Malaysia style Teh Tarik?? Haha!
I forget to drop down the name and the price of the other dish which order by my friends, thus just can share you guys the food photos but without any details. Pai seh ya!  Please forgive me!


Fried eggs with minced meat and spices and served with baguette.

Thai Fried Rice


Ice coffee with Icing on top!

As a conclusion, my first breakfast in Bangkok was great except that I have fallen in love with Bangkok 7-11 when I first touchdown in Bangkok! 
Kope Hya Tai Ke restaurant will be a good choice to you except 7-11.

* Information Counter *

Name: Kope Hya Tai Ke
English Address: 37 Samranrat Road, Kate Pranakong, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Thai Address : 37 อาคาร หัวมุมถนนสำราญราษฎร์ ถนนศิริพงษ์ แขวงสำราญราษฎร์ เขตพระนคร กรุงเทพฯ 10200
Business Hours : 7am - 8:30pm Daily. Closed on every last Tuesday of the month.

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